Humble Bundle #3
Humble Bundle #3

Humble Bundle #3

hb3I originally tweeted about Humble Bundle #3 when it was first released as it contained Crayon Physics, a game that I felt could be used within the curriculum. But the bundle just got even better. Let me explain….

Basically the Humble Bundles were / are a series of game bundles that allow users to ‘pay what you want’ (PWYW) with proceeds going directly to the indie developers and charities as proscribed by you. First bonus, HB#3 just added two more titles and if you paid / pay more than the mean purchase price, you are also given access to Humble Bundle #2’s five titles. So, here I am downloading a further seven titles.

IMHO the titles are great value with some very positive reviews. I mean Crayon Physics, has a value of $20 on its website alone and the current mean price for Windows users is $4.75.

Personally, I think its an amazing idea and looking at the figures, hugely success. The two previous Humble Bundles brokering $1.25 million and $1.8 million in sales respectively. The current bundle, bundle #3, has sales of $1,806,617.49, $1,806,670.56, $1,806,694.67 and growing by the second from 318,247 purchases.


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