Google Body Browser
Google Body Browser

Google Body Browser

Knee CaptureExploring the knee will never be the same for A Level, BTEC or GCSE PE or Science. No more painful two dimensional diagrams. In fact, Science and PE Departments will be pressuring their IT departments to install Chrome on their workstations with the release of Googles 3D Body Browser. The last time I recommended a product like this, (Visiblebody), the price point was a barrier. No so with Google products.  

Peel back anatomical layers, zoom in, and navigate to parts that interest you. Click to identify anatomy, or used the searchbar to zoom directly into different anatomical features. Set homeworks to explore exact scenes viewing and then sharing the corresponding URL.

Here is the downside, you will need a web browser that supports WebGL, such as the new Google Chrome Beta, firefox and Safari.

For you male athletes, Google says a male model will be added into the Body Browser soon.

Or, if you don’t feel like playing doctor just yet, check out this video to watch the app in action.


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