One to share with the students
If you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.
Applying teaching strategied, techniques and ideas.
If you are not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.
In an ICT Department experiencing significant change (courses, staff and direction), here is my grouping dilemma for Sept 2008. We currently have Year 10 students moving into Year 11 who have partially completed 2 Units in the OCR National (Level …
Just a short post, the TES has collected some Olympic themed lesson ideas for all subjects and age ranges so delve in.
This time next year I hope to be able to return to this post and see how we planned out ‘the new year’ and measure the progress we made. With just 4 weeks remaining, moderation completed, we need to ensure …
About 10 months ago I stumbled upon the National College for School Leadership (NCLS) online. Prior to this chance discovery, I knew nothing about this organisation. Now, I enjoy reading their quarterly LDR magazine, I often dip into their resource …
‘Teaching students to do what?’ That was the phrase from a recent ‘Moving at the Speed of Creativity’ podcast (courtesy of Steve Wycoff) that really struck a cord. I don’t have long to write this post, so I will be …
I was very impressed by the ease and functionality of Wordle, however I was disappointed that I did come up with this idea on how to use Wordle. The idea to extend the use of tag clouds to analyze long …
Math and spelling tests are officially cool again. This morning I used TUTPUP to introduce students in Year 7 and 8 about online identies. See, Tutpup does a great job of registering students whilst protecting their identities. There are no usernames, only coloured …