Twitter tidy
Twitter tidy

Twitter tidy

Every once in a I spring clean my Twitter feed. Usually with a change of job focus or an addition of a new responsibility. There are a number of very useful services out there to help you review your account, but my preferred choice is Manage Flitter.

It is very quick and easy to use with a ‘quick edit’ that provides a very information summary with instance actions that can be applied. I primarily use it to identify the accounts I follow that have been inactive for at least 30 days, I then check the bio and then make a decision. It is also a great way to check all the bio’s of your follows, to make sure that your Twitter feed is keeping up with your professional focus. For example, my Twitter focus has moved from IT strategy, eLearning and ICT (middler leadership), to data for student progress and achievement and English (senior leadership). Manage Flitter offers considerable more than I have outlined, but that’s all I need. Spring clean anyone?


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