WordPress 3.0 @ Hamble College
WordPress 3.0 @ Hamble College

WordPress 3.0 @ Hamble College

We have been waiting for WordPress 3 with its integrated multi-user function for a short while. Recently released, we are keen to investigate the impact of publishing student work as a motivational incentive. In my short time teaching with Web authoring tools, it is very clear that having an audience, albeit a small one, improves students commitment and pride in their work.

A second reason is to develop a WordPress 3 platform is publish the work of the newly formed ‘Technology for Learning’ School Improvement Programme and for Departments to showcase their achievements. Our website has IMHO, devolved to a formal, information tool, housing letters, calendar events and curriculum outlines and I am hoping the departmental blogs will provide new material for and by the students and their families. Over the next few weeks I will be sharing the ‘How to journey, progress and pitfalls here.’

To date, the domain name is registered  (blog.hamblecollege.co.uk) and the sub-domains (english.blog.hamblecollege.co.uk) are being added to the servers. Meanwhile, I have also contacted Edublogs for more information on the Campus product.

The second point that is raised regularly is that consideration need to be given to whether its a fresh install or an upgrade. Not an issue for Hamble College.

The best place to start is definetly here.

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