Windows Live Essentials
Windows Live Essentials

Windows Live Essentials

Over the past 6 months Microsoft has regained my attention. In particular, two connected developments have caught my eye. The first, live@edu (also being investigated by our local IT provider EDICT) and the major updates to its Windows Live Essentials tools for the Windows desktop and the Office LIVE workspaces (although we are eagerly awaiting for Onenote). I would have to admit, Microsoft do a decent job of outlining the products progress on the Windows LIVE blog.

The question, as always is, how this suite compare to Google’s offerings. Well, favourably is my opinion but as is ALWAYS the case in point, Microsoft, has the advantage of offering a tool that is more closely integrated with the Microsoft ecosystem. For our schools, the importance lies with giving each student the capability to improve their work….. it used to be from home, but soon it will be from anywhere with an internet connection. Finally, SKYDRIVE offers more than enough storage for our students, but can we ensure what is being stored, is appropriate for the school environment?

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