People Intelligence
People Intelligence

People Intelligence

As a part of the middle leader development at Hamble College, I met with Maureen Bowes from People Intelligence. People Intelligence offer

personalised development for top teams and high potentials who want to be emotionally intelligent and facilitative leaders. People who know that great work results from more sophisticated people skills.

We discussed career aims, work life balance, leadership strengths and opportunities. The final action was to identify a negotiated  leadership focus and action plan. Later that afternoon I spoke with our Deputy Head and invited her to contribute to personal development. Our Deputy was slightly caught off guard but courteously accepted. This invitation I felt to be a significant move forward in our professional relationship, establishing her seniority and my willingness to ask for help and guidance. Reflecting, it was Maureen Bowes skill as a ‘coach’ and her suggestion to invite feedback that I will add to my leadership ‘buy-in’ tactics for supporting staff at a future point. If you were wondering, my target is to develop and refine formal leadership etiquette skills, to hone my chameleon attributes.

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