Interesting Audio Webware – Myna
Interesting Audio Webware – Myna

Interesting Audio Webware – Myna

Here at Hamble College we have extended the ICT provision to include additional units from the OCR Nationals. In reviewing Unit 22 Sound we have introduced our students to podcasts. I was quite surprised the number of students that were not aware of the wonderful resources available to them. FREE resources in many cases too, for example the BBC podcast directory is full of great content.

Second, I stumbled upon Myna, a free online audio tool that you record, arrange and mix audio tracks. Myna’s  horizontal track-over-track layout should be familiar to users of audio tools such as FruityLoops, and its not too far from multi-track Audacity, but a little simpler.  Hit the Snap to Grid button, set your beats per minute, and arranging audio clips from your own files, from a microphone, or Mynas sample libraries.

Look a little deeper and you will find tools for volume adjustment, gain control, reverb and flanger effects, and a few other neat effects. It’s not quite a multi-track Audacity, but for something you open free in your browser, you’ll probably be seriously impressed at how much Myna has to offer your students.

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