Laptops make a good school better…
Laptops make a good school better…

Laptops make a good school better…

…but they don’t make a bad school good.

They make a good school better by facilitating more and higher quality writing, allowing the practice and development of 21st century learning skills, encouraging high student motivation and engagement, and assisting effective integration of technology in teaching and learning. (They don’t make a bad school good, because if teachers and students are invested in wasting time rather than learning, an Internet-connected computer provides ample opportunities for doing so!) (Mark Warschsauer).

Maybe a writer I need to search out and read about what he has to say. Is Hamble College a good school? Should we wait until someone tells us we are a good school? One point it does raise and one we are discussing is teacher control of the units in the classroom and the need for strong leadership on the AUP. What happens is a student miss uses a netbook during lesson, that is their property? More thinking required here.

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