Who's Online, What Are They Doing There? Are we Going to Meet Them?
Who's Online, What Are They Doing There? Are we Going to Meet Them?

Who's Online, What Are They Doing There? Are we Going to Meet Them?

It’s true: email is for old people – at least it is now. Today, 74% of internet users age 64 and older send and receive email, making it the most popular activity in this group. Meanwhile, email usage among teens is dropping. In 2004, 89% of teens said they used email. Now that number is 73%.

Social Networking Dominated by the Young

Teens and Generation Y (18-32*) are the most likely to use the internet for entertainment and for communicating with friends and family through social networks. They’re also more likely than others to play online games, watch videos, send instant messages, hang out in virtual worlds, and download music. In other words, they’re the most likely to use the net for fun. The favorite online activity for teens, however, is not social networking – it’s game playing. 78% of 12-17 year-olds play games online. Looks like we are hitting the sweet spot with some regularity then with our Digital Leaders.

So we have been investigating the potential of ELGG. With a little help from the IT team at Brighton University, who have been most supportive. We will keep you posted on our progress.

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