Searching the #rEDKent thread provides #rEDKent filtered content. It is content selected for re-posting. Then I filter this content a second time, what is interesting to me, or signposts to wider reading, or educationalists with contesting opinions worth following. All without getting wet.
My answer to @fod3 question –
Main takeaways today? #rEDKent
The difference between a ‘high quality’ teacher environment and ‘low quality’ teacher environment in terms of student outcomes starts to differentiate after the third year of teacher, accelerating after six years and by ten years can account for up to 40%.
Factors: Peer collaboration, principal leadership, behaviour for learning, professional development, school culture, teacher appraisal.

An excellent reminder from @profbeckyallen that we shouldn’t collecting data any more frequently than we can act on it. Shocked to see 44% of secondary schools collect data half-termly or more frequently #rEDKent
Predicted grades are largely wasteful as teachers are inaccurate. We don’t know if target grades are limiting or demotivating. Setting the same target across all subjects is unlikely to be the former. @profbeckyallen #rEDKent
Attainment data is lagged data – shows there has been a problem. Possibly more useful is ‘leading indicators’ ie attendance data, behaviour data, homework data. Highlights that a problem might occur.
Six keys to great explanation
- Strong subject knowledge
- Credibility and clarity
- Concise design, less is more
- Concepts supported by real-world examples
- Metaphor and analogy
- Storytelling
- Stories are interesting, easy to understand, easy to remember (Willingham, 2004)
- Chances to elaborate
That is seven? No? Eight if, like me, you perceive credibility and clarity as discrete items.
As experts we forget/find it difficult to empathise with those who are new to the subject.
Slides from Andy Tharby’s talk.
Need to remember we were all beginners once. Qs to consider: what will students find difficult? How do we use language to explain? #rEDKent
#rEdKent ‘All explanation is also an act of persuasion.’ @atharby
The better the question: the better the answer.
Genius – and a thought for teachers at #rEDKent perhaps?
Now that is a great debate prompt for a meeting.
#rEDKent Knowledge is more than just facts! @ClareSealy
- Declarative – to know that
- Procedural – to know how
Element chunk
mental model. Organising information for students is important. Consider the role of knowledge organisers
@olicav #rEDKent
The words you speak ‘disappear’. Put key words on the board as you speak.
Fits neatly with
Where the information being learned has a framework or structure that can be used to organise both the learning and the re tretrieval then memory is often considerably improved. Frederick Reif
Levels of comprehension
- Literal
- Interpretative
- Applied
- Decode
- Fluency
- Inference