
Socrative has been on my radar for a little while are it appeared in RSS feed in a few different places. It falls under a category of web based student response systems, and so far is one of my favourite. It was most certainly easy to set up, flexible and functional with the choice of instant response feedback and summarised reports which can be downloaded or emailed. Add to that some nice question variety and random answer sequences to discourage copy-cat answers.

As the teacher, you log in, create  the quiz (and hopefuly share SOC-140292). Student access the quiz via a room key on another device.

This morning we explored self paced and teacher paced quizzing, but it was the “space race” or competitive quizzing that really got their attention. I will have to ask how the scoring sysem work as students found themselves independetly quizzing, as part of a team. (I hope that makes sense).

The verdict, very good. The students certainly enjoyed it.

Like this type of interactive learning, then here are a similar tools.



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