Moving to Successive Relearning
Moving to Successive Relearning

Moving to Successive Relearning

A swift record of my thinking…

The more I teach with RememberMore the more I am convinced that the indirect benefits of applied retrieval practice in the classroom, are as important as the direct benefits. Whilst also shifting from retrieval practice to successive relearning – (criterion referenced retrieval, repeated and spaced).

It has led to a much deeper investigation of metacognition and judgements of learning, given such judgements influence study decisions thereafter and setting aside a plethora of other indirect benefits such as learner confidence, motivation and routines and direct instruction. Knowing that confidence judgements significantly predicting retention and transfer performance.

These results show the benefits of including judgments of understanding and transfer tests in studies that examine metacomprehension, and the importance of choosing appropriate wording for judgment prompts.

Metacognitive judgments framed as JOUs (judgements of understanding) resulted in large correlations by Cohen’s standards, and JOLs resulted in medium correlations by Cohen’s standards.

Judgments of understanding (JOU) is indicated by the strength of the correlation between JOU rating and transfer score, whereas the efficacy of judgments of learning (JOL). Do metacognitive judgments affect test performance? I am growing ever more convinced they are.

As I am growing ever more convinced that success underpins the students growing confidence. Hence – Retrieve ➡️ Reflect… ➡️ Reveal ➡️ Repeat. With options to Reorder, Refresh and Refine the tags has been introduced to Classroom.

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