On Tuesday evening, news of a random of kindness passed by on my timeline. A hat, scarf and label, left on post together with a note, for someone that needed it. Not only was I struck by the kindness shown in the donation, but by the way that this person was enabling someone to, in effect, “help themselves.”
The next morning I used the image to mocked up a very quick flyer with AdobeSpark (it’s quick and effective) and had some large yellow tubs placed at the entrance to school in anticipation our flyer would elicit support.
Wrapped up, I took my flyers up to the car par and student drop-off area and shared the back-story to our actions with our parents.
I came across this random act of kindness… given our school values… I thought we can extend the influence of this idea… I need your help… yellow tubs in reception…
As a side story, as we were waiting for the buses to arrive, I noticed the imprint that had been left by the first two buses that had arrived and departed. I posted the photo and a comment about the emphasis we place on “Care and Compassion” at school. I didn’t think that much more of it, until this morning the analytics showed the post had received over 3000 views and 70 likes.

By the end of the school day we already had our first hat and scarf donations. Values in action.
Now the recent snow fall has hampered our efforts, however, on Monday we will collect up the donations received and get them to Guildford and Portsmouth city centres, the communities are students associate with.
Just as an aside – another use of AdobeSpark. This time page. #Snowday activities.