Progress measures – less is more?
Progress measures – less is more?

Progress measures – less is more?

Even more of the progress measures… as communicated by Bill Watkin, Operational Director, SSAT.

As you may or may not already know. The ’empty boxes’ will count as zero. That is students who sat fewer than eight of the required qualifications will receive a zero is that qualification box.

So in converting the grades to points, you add up the total points and then divide by 10 (because Maths and English count double). But you knew that right?

The actual point score, is then compared to the expected point score (determined by the outcomes of students of similar prior attainment three years earlier).

Bill Watkin went on to illustrate this impact, demonstrating how low attaining pupil, entered for fewer than 8 subjects, can achieve a positive Progress measure. Meanwhile, a high attaining student, who falls marginally short of expectations might expect a negative Progress 8 measure.


Would it be far to say that his new model will impact those so called ‘coasting schools’ whose high attaining students have not met their academic potential but safely crossed the C grade boundary? It also illustrates the potential value of advising less able students of pupils to sit fewer courses than the proscribed eight? Less is more?

@frackham_edu: @KristianStill should be 10×6 in second student example (minor typo). Example 3 a little unlikely, but useful example. Thanks 🙂

Appreciate the note. I will correct if I can.


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