Best 8 – performance tables 2
Best 8 – performance tables 2

Best 8 – performance tables 2

The ‘Update on Progress 8 measure and reforms to secondary school accountability framework’ has been released.  I use the DfE terms there, update and released. It is in fact a fairly inconclusive and somewhat muddled update, the final response due to be published on the 7th February.

Setting predictions for the Progress 8 Value Added measure using data from an earlier cohort.

Para-phrasing the document will only make things worse. Read it for yourself. Simply, you will be told the height of the bar, get as many students over it as possible. That part is clear and defined. How the bar is set…

Point score system

1 to 8 point scale for the Attainment 8 and the Progress 8 measures in 2016. When should we change our marking key?

English Literature in reformed performance tables measures

You put Literature in,
You take Language out,
In, out, in, out,
You shake it all about.
Don’t forget Combined English, for 2016,
That’s what its all about.
The new position is:
The best of English Language and English Literature will be double-weighted, provided a pupil has taken both qualifications.
The second best score of English Literature and English Language can be counted in the ‘open group’ of subjects, if it is one of the pupil’s highest scores in this group.
Not forgetting that in the 2016 exams, there is still a Combined English qualification.
Add to that, English Literature will be given parity with English Language in other headline performance tables measures in 2016 tables, more students will be studying English Literature. That may well be considered a positive thing, it is certainly positive for English Departments and the recruitment of good English staff is now an even greater priority.

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  1. Pingback: Best 8 – performance tables 2 | KristianStill/Blog | The Echo Chamber

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