Time to think this one over
Time to think this one over

Time to think this one over

If you wouldn’t wake up early to do it, you probably shouldn’t stay up late to do it.

Don’t stay up past your normal bedtime to do something that you wouldn’t be willing to wake night-owlup earlier than your normal wake time.

It’s easy to stay up an hour to late playing on the computer or watching a movie, but it would be very difficult to convince yourself to set your alarm for an hour earlier to do that same activity. Either way, you’re losing an hour of sleep.

Let’s say you normally get up at 6:45 a.m. and go to bed at 10:30 p.m.

You might stay up until midnight to watch a movie, but you (probably) wouldn’t be willing to go to bed at 10:30 p.m. and set your alarm for 5:15 a.m. to watch that same movie, even though you are losing the same amount of sleep.

The point of this LPT was to say, when deciding whether or not to do something that will cause you to lose sleep at night, would you really be willing to wake up early to do that same activity?

I am not saying that being a night owl is intrinsically a bad thing, just that you should be aware that it’s easier to make yourself stay up late than it is to make yourself get up early.


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