Why IF is important
Why IF is important

Why IF is important

Yesterday the DfE press release informed us of a ‘New national reading competition to create a generation of book lovers.‘ A competition open to all seven- to 12-year-olds at schools in England. It will launch in the autumn. Hmmm? I am interested in hearing how reading becomes a competition? Is reading best served as a competition? When is reading best served by being competitive? I am not doubting the need to improve reading standards, after all that is why I am passionate about IF.

  • One in 10 boys leaves primary school with the reading age of a seven-year-old.
  • 15 per cent of seven-year-olds do not reach the expected level (level 2) in reading.
  • 16 per cent of 11-year-olds do not achieve the expected level (level 4) in reading.

Now IF can be competitive and it can easily be designed to measure progress. I wonder how I would get IF into Nick Gibbsr eyeline? What is more, many of the target group could take their IF with them, on their phones. Can anyone help me let Nick Gibb know about IF?


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