Karaoke Party Microphones
Karaoke Party Microphones

Karaoke Party Microphones

This week we tested our ‘budget’ microphones for use with KaraokeParty.com on staff laptops.  With most laptops having in built microphones these days, there is a need to modify the settings.

With the level settings adjusted the input was fine, albeit my vocal ability limited.

Out testing certainly caught the attention of the students in the room and an impromptu and short student testing phase followed. Their enthusiasm was encouraging and interesting. A paired singing model seemed most popular with the on-lookers often reading / mouth / or singing along.


Sadly, KaraokeParty did not see enough business potential n the project to support us. Maybe, when we have shown  an educational advantage to reading they might consider a support package for schools then? In the meantime we will probably purchase a years STAR account to enable party mode and a wider range of songs to select from.

Feel free to use our service for educational purpose. However, we don’t sponsor any activities with Star accounts but there are a lot of songs available not requiring Star.
Best regards,

Who, When and Benchmarks

We have a few tasks left to complete.

Now we need to identify the students that we feel would benefit and enjoy the sessions.

Identify the sessions, we two groups. One small 1:6 / 1:8 bespoke groups and one class group. However, we still need to think through how the class sessions will be delivered.

We need to determine benchmark reading ages for students in order to measure the impact of the intervention and what measure we will use.

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