Kodu for the Curriculum Challenge
Kodu for the Curriculum Challenge

Kodu for the Curriculum Challenge

kodu11The past three years I have worked with a fantastic group of students at Hamble and Community Sports College. Our Digital Leaders have contributed to ICT at the school in many different ways, many of them documented here this blog. However, this year I’ve taken a new role and subsequently we have a new Director of ICT who is now guiding the students in their leadership role. It would not be impossible to find the time to work with this group every week, but out of respect to my colleague, I only drop in here and there, mainly to recognise their achievements, review project work or occasionally as ‘cover.’

If I am honest, I missed their enthusiasm. Some of these students have invested nearly three years into the programme.  Add to that their positive response to the introduction of Kodu, I felt it was a good time to re-connect.

Session 3

A very broad mission was presented. In groups of no more than 3, use Kodu to teach an area of the curriculum, what has become known as the ‘Kodu for the Curriculum’ challenge. Initially ideas were nearly are bizarre and their team names….

Team G33ks – Healthy living. Bad stuff equals negative health and speed, good stuff add health and speed until FULL health is achieved and a WINNER status activated. Year 10, 10, 9, 8.

Team Investigation – Sex education, learning about the obstacles in fertilization. WINNER status activated on fertilizing the egg. Time factor. 2 Year 7 students.

Team Oranges – A maths based problem solving game. Multiple choice response system activated by Kodu movement or pressure pads. Multi levels. WINNER status is achieved by completing all the levels. Year 9, 9, 8.

Team Wwrsen – The play poses as a piece of data within software. The objective is to help young coders, learn coding procedure. WINNER status is yet to be decided. Year 9, 9, 9.

Team Editisers – Initial idea – these guys wanted a little more time. Year 9, 8, 8.

Team Spun – these guys are still exploring Kodu having missed the introduction tasks. Year 10, 10, 9, 8.

The conversation and planning phase left little time for actual Kodu programming but the debate was lively and I am pleased that conversation considered gaming content as well as game play. One of the most visceral concerns was avoiding game lag. Lets see how we get on over the next few weeks.



  1. Pingback: links for 2011-05-11 | Kristian Still's Blog

  2. Tim Atkinson

    Thanks Mr Still for introducing our aim and our teams over the coming week. As part of the G33ks group our idea is to teach younger kids about the possible dangers of drugs. Making certain bad looking objects representing drugs, with an objective is to obtain full health they will have to work out which ones are good and bad. Starting with 50% health and speed you will start perfectly halfway. Eg bright green round apples are good, brown apples are bad and other apples will change you speed.

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