What is the Focus?
What is the Focus?

What is the Focus?

With nearly a year passed, I recently looked at what ‘we’ had been working towards, the items the Department and I had fulfilled or had left incomplete. The areas of IT Networking we had addressed and those that still posed a problem and summarised the current focus. Here is a precise of that thinking and accounting process. You can read the full review, if you want, form the main menu. The reason I add a post is to make me accountable for what will follow.

Current Projects

My Current Foci in Priority Order;

VLE and Mahara

Sims and Sims Gateway

Investigating a Netbooks Solution. We have applied for grant from HIAS.

Learn about a NEW build IT requirements.

Joomla Website – Investigating new plugins and modules.

Creating a Digital Leader Programme

Printer feasibility Study

New Software: Comic Life, Gimp.

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