Netbooks Update
Netbooks Update

Netbooks Update

A brief summary. One of the difficulties in over seeing the netbook project is that I do not teach a subject that requires netbooks. So I asked our e-resources manager to visit a range of Yr 10 lesson and see the netbooks in action.

Maths were using the netbooks to access an online maths tool, English to write up coursework. We have added the ebook reader and English texts. Science use the netbooks to take notes and history seems a positive haven for netbook use. So some positive signs there. One concern remains the wireless strength. With  future year groups joining the project, significant expenditure is ear marked for the wireless, that was originally put in to cater for the growing use of Sims by teachers.

Accidental damage is a little higher than expected, we think another meeting is required to stress the importance and duty care expected from the students. We do not issue an overnight loan netbook to students whose netbook is being fixed, and we hope that this will be deterent enough. Refurbs are approximately 10-15 days and the team are now familiar with the process and Lenovo staff.

Furthermore, following our visit to Brune Park Community College, we are conintuing to work together. Our tech team are back in Gosport to talk wireless, images and all things Lenovo S102 tech spec. I will be asking for our final image / spec report from our tech team at the end of term and hope to share this with colleagues through this blog.


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