Hard truths
Hard truths

Hard truths

Leading is most certainly an uneven path. Tonight I heard Sam Alladyce and others) outline his readiness for the National job. “Hardened,” was the adjective predetermined and delivered to the sharp toothed journalists.

New school leaders such as myself are not hardened. Or at least not readied or hardened enough by the experiences leading to headship. Hence I share this snippet from a recent Leadership Freak post.

If you find yourself in a position where you have to say some hard things, take heart. Just remember;

it’s better for you to say it than for someone else to whisper it. – John Maxwell.

Maxwell goes on to add,

Addressing tough topics on the front end helps eliminate the uncertainty and speculation that fuel destructive gossip. – John Maxwell.

Sam Alladyce is quoted as saying

I’m hardened over many, many years. You toughen yourself for whatever job you take. You take the good with the bad, otherwise you don’t do it – don’t bother.

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