Cartoon objectives
Cartoon objectives

Cartoon objectives

Christmas_Present_2This is a small gift for a highly respected colleague, new to the profession, who is always looking to innovate and challenge his students. It has been a while since I asked students to use cartoons to demonstrate their understanding and it’s a shame. The task is fun, creative and challenging and it is not often you get to apply that triadic cluster to learning that’s for sure. So here is that cluster of delicious cartoon links again.

Now, yesterday I saw Christmas chocolate stars and ‘teaching tips’ labels had been delivered to NQT pigeon holes at The Wellington Academy.

A behaviour management tip is not just for Christmas.

What a fantastic and thoughtful idea #hattip. So, here is my Christmas cracker gift, in a cartoon style, to prompt colleagues to build more engaging lesson objectives. That is at least my best intention.

Cartoon objectives[qr_code_display]

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