Worm or cheese?
Worm or cheese?

Worm or cheese?

I am here at New Place, listening to Nick Dennis sharing his thoughts on technology for education. Nick draws on his clear passion for his subject (history), a passion for learning, but an strong appreciation for infrastructure and a working knowledge and responsibility for school leadership. He draws on this breadth of experience to share a broad and balance view of technology in education. He opened his keynote with this quirky comment and it was this comment that left a lasting impression.

It may well be that the early bird that gets the worm it is the second mouse that gets the cheese.

In terms of my personal experiences, I have learnt some tough lessons chasing those worms. With experience, I should have spent more time securing my ideas and purpose, as my chosen profession does not demand that I find the most worms to be the most successful. It does demand that I get it right. It is a lesson many enthusiastic innovators learn, it is a lesson that cheese has is more appealing than I at first realised.


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