Big data display
Big data display

Big data display

Do not get angry with me about the photo. It is not purposefully far away, though not purposefully grainey. At least I do not have to apply a blurring filter. Confidentiality you understand. It is my big data display, my big big data display.

In the afternoon of our INSET on Monday, I set myself the task of sharing our ‘current’ academic progress towards our FFTD targets with staff. The aim was to breathe student life into the numbers and to highlight at least one of the key areas for focus, our gender gap. This gigantuan poster now adordns our staffroom back wall – and it has already been the subject of a far degree of close inspection. Beside it now, also a brief explanation of what is on display, much like an artists bio next to his work.

A simple SIMs export of the Y11 photos was separated by gender, name enlarged and bold, and printer on blue / pink paper.

The template is printed on our monster printer, appoximately 120″ by 42″. The title should read ‘Current 5A*-C inc English and Maths. The section headers are Maths+3 and Maths and English +3 and English +3. The reason being is that I wanted to share the message that all curriculum areas have their part to play and that students need Maths+3 and English, or English +3 and Maths to move to the middle area. The middle area is large enough to house our target plus 4%. The name outside the three rectangles not meeting these thresholds.  The poster will get updated as we update the students grades as part of the monitoring cycle and hopefully display our progress as a college.

Next time… I was considering running a larger rectangle around the main rectangle, a perimeter to highlight 0 GCSEs A*C and another 0 GCSE A*-G? Maybe next time? Do any other schools share student progress in a similar manner?





    1. Kristian Still

      We considered adding more info. How did you use this additional information.

      Our staff have access to all sub groups via SISRA and possibly, as a consequence were content to leave it off.

      Do you have additional threshold perimeters?

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