Help Files to Moodle Subject Dock
Help Files to Moodle Subject Dock

Help Files to Moodle Subject Dock

Moodle Dock DocsMoodle documentation and attached help files are now available. Recognition is attributed to the generally super helpful Dan Humpherson (MoodleDan ) and our very own Craig Sumner (Hamble College). Now, it may have been my idea, but without these two super heros that is what it would have remained! (Dock files)


  1. Pingback: Theme mod: MoodleDock, by @kristianstill & @moodledan | Moodle Monthly

  2. Pingback: Moodle-I Dock released on @kristianstill @moodledan | Moodle Monthly

  3. Pingback: New version of the Moodle Dock released @kristianstill @moodledan | Moodle Monthly

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